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GPS Application Workshop:
Movement Analysis



Understanding movement patterns of university students using quantitative methods such as GPS tracking (real movements) and space syntax (predicting movements) analytical method.

Intended learning outcomes


By the end of this workshop, the participants would learn the following tools and methods:

- Fundamental of GPS

- Designing an online geo-mapping questionnaire method 

- Fundamental of  Space Syntax theory and techniques (micro and macro analysis)

The workshop outline

Day 1: GPS + Field trip

  1. Understanding the general principles of pedestrian movements and crowding;

  2. Understanding GPS principles and its use in research;

  3. Set up mobile application/s for GPS tracking;

  4. Site visit (inside the campus);

  5. Mapping participants’ movements;

  6. Overall conclusion & discussion.

Day 2: Spatial configuration

  1. Why thinking spatially? Theoretical basis of spatial network analysis;

  2. Space Syntax (historical background, Scale of analysis, different tools (VGA, Isovist, Agent based, axial lines and segment lines));

  3. Important readings and references;

  4. Depthmap software for spatial configuration analysis;

  5. Introducing VGA analysis;

  6. Overall conclusion of the day.

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